What is TMC?

Technical Minecraft of TMC is the focus of automation using the vanilla mechanics of the game, although it’s common for people to stretch that with use of quality of life or even minor feature mods. People have pushed the game to its absolute limits with the use of redstone, strange mechanics, and even full on exploits. In some versions of the game players have even obtained bedrock!

My Story

I started TMC but watching Mumbo Jumbo videos as a kid. He gave me the basics of redstone, and from there I took it further and further to the point of making actual contributions to the community with things like farm designs and helping others with theirs. My impact on the community is definitely minor, but some people know me by name nonetheless.

What I Do Now

I’m not much of a TMC player these days, it is very time consuming, however with this knowledge I can often help people with their issues, especially players on my servers. Another part is that I keep technical players in mind on my servers, a very common problem on public Minecraft servers is that between the modified server jar, the questionable default configurations a lot of hosting companies give people, and the variety of config and plugins out there, a lot of contraptions end up breaking on these servers. While I can’t prevent all issues on my server I do keep it in mind and try to help people with their issues when it is the server’s fault.